A New Year

It was gratifying and inspiring to find out that there were over 1500 visits to this site last year. I am going to begin posting more of the video interviews with the fishers over the next few months. If you’d like to make sure you get them, subscribe to my rss feed – or look for my fisher to fisher facebook page. I post all the videos there also.

I’m finding more and more like minded  people who are interested in supporting artisinal fishers and understand the importance of working with them as equal partners in the stewardship of our environment.

The fishers I’ve interviewed have a lot to teach us all about conservation, not just in the Caribbean waters, but here on land.  They understand the need for collaboration between individuals, governments and community organizations. They get that environmental regulations are necessary  and are willing to make shared sacrifices. They are not in denial about climate change. And nothing they do will be of any use if we don’t get our heads out of the sand in the U.S. and get serious about carbon emissions.

Every week I see more coming out about the acidification of the ocean, coral bleaching and sea level rise in response to the melting of glaciers.

When I get discouraged, they give me courage. I look forward to sharing more with you in the New Year.

“You can not say a fish is caught until it is in the boat.”

An interview with Mitchell Lay of the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organizations.  Mitch is doing some amazing work to bring fishers together to advocate for their own interests. His quiet but confident leadership and steadfast advocacy are one reason to have hope for the future of fish and fishers.

Vodpod videos no longer available.